Welcome to our new Chief Operating Officer!
The SHSAA Board of Directors is pleased to welcome Laura Silvius as the new Chief Operating Officer. She joins us after three years as a Development Manager at a nonprofit organization in southern California where she managed communications, events, development and volunteer coordination. She also worked for Patch Media in New Jersey as a reporter and in marketing for various firms in and around New York City and Washington, D.C.
Laura will work with YanJie Hou, our Chief of Operations – External, to get up to speed on all she needs to know. She will focus on coordinating and improving events, especially the upcoming gala and reunions.
Below is a short letter of introduction from Laura. To find out more information about various Alumni Association programs or get more involved with our alumni community, please take a look around our website for various events and volunteer opportunities.

Letter from the Chief Operating Officer
Dear Stuyvesant Community,
I’ve always believed that a good education is vitally important in life, yet one must also put that education to use in the world, especially to leave the world a better place for those who will come after. This is one of the things that draws me to Stuyvesant High School–it provides quality education for its students and opportunities for students to use their gifts in the world both during and after high school. I’ve seen how the foundation of a Stuyvesant education has given alumni the tools, drive and confidence to make the most of the opportunities they find in college, graduate studies, professional careers, and in their private lives. It’s a privilege to join a team that shares these values.
Besides my past experience in nonprofit development, I’ve also worked as a reporter, a marketing coordinator, a technical writer, a communications consultant, and a program coordinator.
Thank you for the warm welcome to this community. I am thrilled to be here and to serve the school, the students, and the alumni to the improvement of all.