Over $75,000 in Allocations that need your help!
Stuyvesant receives the same amount of funding as every other high school
The Alumni Association supports Stuyvesant High School by funding specific requests from students and faculty members. Our Allocations committee meets regularly to evaluate all incoming requests to ensure that there is maximum student impact for every dollar that is allocated. Below, please find some of our long list of Allocations that can directly use your help to fund.
As the Department of Education continues to roll back funding, the Alumni Association steps in to bridge the gap. This year the Dept. of Education stopped funding over $12,000 for the PSAT for juniors in New York City. The PSAT is a requirement to apply for the Merit Scholarship Awards. This year, Stuyvesant was the leader in winners of this award in New York, with over 100 Merit Scholarship Awardees!

“Great Books” class needs $10,000 in funding!
Assistant Principal Eric Grossman’s “Great Books” class exposes 476 students each semester to college-level reading with texts that surpass the standards of the Department of Education. We need funding to help make this possible. This year, we have an alum who will match your contribution up to $1,000 to make this possible.
Here is the current reading list for Great Books:
- The Sound and the Fury – William Faulkner (1929)
- American Pastoral – Philip Roth (1997)
- Mrs. Dalloway – Virginia Woolf (1925)
- Selections from Labyrinths – Jorge Luis Borges (1940s and 1950s)
- “Overture” from Swann’s Way, Marcel Proust (1913)
- Pale Fire – Vladimir Nabokov (1962)
- Sophie’s Choice – William Styron (1979)
- Hamlet – William Shakespeare (1600)
- The Savage Detectives – Roberto Bolano (2007)
- A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man – James Joyce (1916)
- Cloud Atlas – David Mitchell (2004)
- One Hundred Years of Solitude – Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1967)
- In the Penal Colony/A Hunger Artist — Franz Kafka (1919)
- The Year of Magical Thinking – Joan Didion (2005)
- Beloved – Toni Morrison (1988)
- Angels in America — Tony Kushner (1993)
- Invisible Cities – Italo Calvino (1972)

$2,054 to Support the Jewish History Class
Help students in Robert Sandler‘s Jewish History class purchase Primo Levi’s “Survival in Auschwitz” book.

$5,800 for the Chess Team
Send the Chess Team to Nationals! Last year, the seniors and the sophomores took first place in the nation. With 47% of Stuyvesant students on free or reduced lunch, students rely on alumni support to help them compete.

$1,000 for Caliper Magazine
Caliper has been around since the school was founded! It is the longest-running Stuyvesant magazine publication. Help us continue to fund a literary magazine that encourages creativity and expression.

$25,000 for Speech & Debate
Our award-winning Speech & Debate Team travels around the country to bring Stuyvesant to a level of national recognition. Each year, our team travels to the national competition and performs very well, bringing home many prizes.
$970 for the Music Department
We have two students who were chosen to participate in the prestigious NYSSMA conference. Funding is for travel and registration fees.
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