New Staff, Directors Join the Association

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As announced in May, Laura Silvius joined the Alumni Association in April as Chief Operating Officer, and made the 2019 Benefit for Stuyvesant (see our coverage here) and Spring Reunions (see our coverage here) her first major tasks. In July, the Board of Directors made her the Association’s Executive Director.
“I was raised with the belief that few things are as important in life as an education, and it’s a pleasure to work for an organization that shares that priority,” Silvius said. “I’m excited to be here and to create important experiences and opportunities for new generations of students and alumni at Stuyvesant.”
Alisha Singh recently joined the Association staff in the role of Marketing & Operations Associate. Singh grew up in Guyana and moved to the United States in 2015 to pursue her college education. She holds an AA in Business Administration and a BBA in Marketing Management, and said she believes that “the result of success is based on how much effort is put forth.”
In the past, Singh worked for the Research Foundation of The City University of New York as a Speech Tutor, and at the Clinton Foundation as a high school summer intern. She said, “As a recent college graduate, I believe that education is the key to a brighter future, and everyone should be given the opportunity to achieve academic success.”
Singh is optimistic and excited to work at the Association in her first post-college role, and she hopes to grow personally and professionally. Singh is intent on putting forth her best effort to achieve the goals of the Alumni Association.
Board Updates
There are also two new faces among the SHSAA Board of Directors.
Dr. David Jacobs ’87 joined the Board of Directors after the election held on June 26. After he graduated from Stuyvesant, he earned a BS in biochemistry from Stony Brook, a medical degree from Rutgers, and an MBA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Jacobs is a board-certified internist and a biotech executive who has worked for Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson. He is an avid cyclist and provides pro bono medical service at local community hospitals and in the Caribbean.
“As a parent, I believe that the best educational opportunities and experiences should be afforded to all students despite background and/or financial circumstance,” Jacobs said. “To that end, participating in the Alumni Association has provided a wonderful vehicle to help me and others realize this goal.”
Jacobs plans to get involved in committees and meetings that will “contribute to the greater dialogue” about diversity and standardized testing.
Dr. Eric Treiber graduated from Stuyvesant in 1968. He started volunteering with the Alumni Mentoring Program in 2015 after he was introduced to the program by his cousin and fellow alumni mentor, Dr. Steven Rubin ’70. “I have participated every year since then,” Treiber said. “Mentoring current Stuy students has been a most rewarding experience.”
The Mentoring Program helps students develop interviewing, networking, and life skills. Many participating students are first-generation Americans, and welcome the extra help navigating a plethora of issues to ensure their academic and professional success. Dr. Treiber plans to continue as a mentor while also making a meaningful contribution as a member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.
After he graduated from Stuyvesant, Treiber studied biology at Queens College and went on to graduate from Georgetown University School of Medicine in 1976. He completed training in internal medicine at Cornell University Medical Center and practiced internal medicine for 10 years. At age 39, Treiber left internal medicine and completed an additional three-year residency program at New York Medical College in Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery. He now practices in Rye, N.Y. and is an Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Columbia where he voluntarily teaches interns, residents, and medical students.
Treiber has been married to his wife of 42 years, Ruth, who is also a dermatologist. Besides their medical practice, they also share two sons, two daughters-in-law, and two young granddaughters. The family lives in Scarsdale and spends many weekends in New York City.
You Can Get Involved Today!
Alumni are always welcome and encouraged to participate in Association activities and attend Board meetings, and their input is invaluable. Those alumni who seek to be directors and/or officers on the Board must be current dues-paying members of the Association. Membership on committees is open to all interested alumni.