Executive Director Report with Board Meeting Update
Happy New Year!
I’m happy to report that we have started the new year off with a visit from Rachel Swarns ’85, who met with the students of the Stuy Unity group and Faculty Member Angel Colon. I also started it off with a donation to the New York Blood Center, an organization that collects blood and platelets that sets up camp in the Stuyvesant lobby for the full day, four times a year.
STUYVESANT NEWS: The Chess Team sophomores and seniors took first place in the fall Nationals! They are slated to go to Spring Nationals in March!
BOARD MEETING: Below please find a few updates from our Board meeting which took place on Wednesday, January 6th. Some of the proposed changes are a reflection of the board listening to the feedback of our Alumni Community.
- The Allocations Committee funded several items over $21K, including partial funding for students to see the show “Allegiance” for the Japanese History class, Robert Sandler’s Jewish History class, the student achievement in Music trip for NYSSMA, the Chess Team and much much more!
- The Governance Committee voted to make the following changes: (A) removal of the (2) year language in the by-laws for active membership (B) moving our general elections towards Electronic Balloting which will increase office efficiency with external company processing the elections (C) the election results would be announced at the AGM allowing for a more seamless event (D) the addition of specific Membership Committee language and (E) updated language to make sections of the by-laws consistent.
- The Membership Committee listened to feedback from alumni and voted to change dues payments from the fiscal year to a rolling twelve (12) month period. For instance, if you paid your dues in February 2016, your dues would expire four months later on June 30, 2016. Moving forward, if you pay your dues in February of 2016, they will expire at the end of February in 2017.
And last but not least – we’ve got some Merchandise!! Optical mouse pads and eco-friendly foldable grocery bags with a design from student Anna Wu ’17, Stuyvesant Physical Education T-shirts, license plate covers and more! Click here to buy!
Thank you for all of your support in the 2016 holiday push! We are excited to fund the school activities and enrichment that continues Stuyvesant’s tradition of excellence.