Electronic Poll Results
On July 3, 2014, we sent out the attached survey as part of our electronic newsletter. The goal was to get feedback on the changing admissions criteria that had been proposed for Stuyvesant High School. The email was sent out to 16,451 alumni. By July 9th, it was opened by 6,028, and 404 people took the time to fill out the survey, which is attached in this email. The survey was closed on July 9th at noon to allow the office to aggregate the results for our board meeting, held later that evening.
On the evening of July 9, 2014 at the Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association Board of Directors, after much discussion, presented a motion that the SHSAA “join the other organizations [Brooklyn Tech Alumni Foundation, Bronx Science Alumni Association, et.al.] to defend a single test admissions standard, while promoting diversity”. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 abstentions and 3 opposed – a strikingly similar correlation to the poll of our membership where 72.4% of our alumni voted that the SHSAT remain the sole criterion for admission with 27.2% looking for additional parameters for admissions (<1% no response). Analogous to our alumni base, our current Directors are comprised of a diverse group of alumni in the following areas: age, ethnicity, gender and professional experience.
Please find a screenshot of our poll results from the July 3rd electronic communication below.