Class of 1995 – 20th Reunion
1995. We were in the midst of hip-hop’s golden era rockin’ Cross Colors, Girbaud and Timberland and mourning the end of grunge with the loss of Kurt Cobain in flannel and Doc Martens. Coolio’s “Gangsta’s Paradise” was #1 and TLC had 3 of the top 10 songs of the year. President Clinton was in office, the economy was booming, apartheid in South Africa was finally over and even peace in the Middle East seemed plausible. As Michael Jackson would have crooned to us back then …Do You Remember The Time?
It’s been 20 years since we walked across the stage at Avery Fisher Hall, basking victorious winners of both Junior and Senior SING!, one of the first classes to graduate from the new building on Chambers Street.
Now, come reminisce, reconnect and relive some of that 90’s nostalgia with your high school classmates!
Please join us on the evening of Saturday November 28th from 8pm till 11pm at Avenue lounge (116 10th Avenue at W 17th Street) for our 20th high school reunion. We’ll have an open bar from 8pm-10pm and dinner from Artichoke Pizza next door. Tickets are $75 before November 20th, $85 the week before the reunion, and $100 at the door and can be purchased here.
While we won’t be able to find any Zima or Pepsi Clear to bring to the party, we’ll be sure to have Mr. Bombastic boomin on the loudspeakers, a photo booth to document the good times and plenty of old friends to catch up with.
We hope we’ll be seeing you soon!
Jayeesha & Kathy, Class of 1995 20th reunion organizers