Class of 1983 – 35th Reunion
We are excited to announce that the location of our upcoming 35th reunion is at Proper West, 54 West 39th Street in Manhattan. The date is Saturday evening, October 6th, 2018 (Columbus Day weekend), from 7pm to 11pm.
Please book your tickets ASAP to get the early bird price of $94, which includes passed hors d’oeuvres, buffet, two hours of open bar and great conversation. It’s very helpful for us to get a head count as soon as possible, and there’s no risk involved – you can cancel up to one day before the event.
Tickets may be purchased hereĀ or by clicking the RSVP button.
The password for ticket sales is “Gaspar” š
Would you please check in with any of our classmates with whom you’re in touch? If they haven’t received this message, pleaseĀ let them know that they can join the 1983 reunion e-mail list atĀ
If you’re on Facebook we do suggest that you stay tuned on the event page for real-time updates.
Can’t wait to see you at the party!
Warmest regards,
The Stuy ’83 Reunion Coordinators
Other Reunion Weekend Events
If you have a couple of hours to spare on Sunday, October 7th at 1:30 PM (the day after our 35th reunion), why not join up for a Clipper City Sail? Fellow alum Tom Berton has kindly blocked out some tickets for us at a special price of $20 each. Follow this link and use coupon code STUY83.