About This Scholarship
To honor Marc Connolly, a 1992 Stuyvesant graduate who went on to pursue a career in political consulting before tragically passing away in October 2006, his friends and family want to endow a scholarship for a graduating Stuyvesant student passionate about history and politics. Marc, remembered as a “big-hearted opposition researcher” by a New York Sun columnist, was a generous and loyal man who loved Stuyvesant and proudly displayed his favorite Pegleg picture in his home alongside others that featured Marc smiling with politicians.
Applicant Criteria
- The student must demonstrate financial need.
- The student must demonstrate academic merit.
- The student must express an interest in US History, Politics, Government, and Political Science.
Please submit your application form via the website, and your addenda (see checklist), including essay question to scholarships@shsaa.org.