Student FAQ

  • How do I apply?

On the website, there is a description of each scholarship and a list of requirements. Fill out the form online, and email the application along with any scholarship addenda (essay questions, reference letters, financial documents, etc.) to

  • What’s required?

You can look at the Checklist for Applicants to make sure that you have everything that’s required.

  • How many scholarships can I apply to?

You can apply to three scholarships maximum. The Scholarship Committee may, in its discretion, award a candidate a scholarship other than one for which the candidate applied.

  • Can I email the addenda (letters of recommendation, essay questions, etc.) in the body of an email?

Yes, all materials should be emailed directly to

  • When are applications due?

Applications and all addenda (including reference letters) are due no later than 11:59 pm on Monday, May 5, 2025.

  • When will I hear back about scholarship decisions?

You’ll get an email from us no later than mid-June 2025.

  • How should I get my FAFSA form to you?

Submit your FAFSA as a PDF on the application form. If the file is too large, please send/share it with Make sure the PDF has the answers filled out and not just “Transferred from IRS.” You can compress PDF files for free here.

  • If I apply for more than one scholarship, do I need to submit more than one copy of my financial forms?

You only need to submit one copy of your financial forms, even if you apply for more than one scholarship.

  • If I’m awarded a scholarship, what happens?

You’ll receive an invitation to the Alumni Association Awards Ceremony, where you’ll be presented with your scholarship award. In order to receive your money, you must submit a thank you letter to the endowers of your scholarship. You’ll hear more about this in the invitation.

If your question wasn’t answered above, email us at