
StuyAlumni Visit AMNH / Alumni News This Week

Message from the Executive Director


This past weekend, Director Marianna Moliver ’98 and I visited the American Museum of Natural History (“AMNH”), for our meet-up / Children’s Event under the Blue Whale at the Museum of Natural History.  We participated in the Milstein Science Series, complete with a walking jellyfish, lectures and interactive activities for children.  Children were given the opportunity to take apart a skeleton, work with tactile displays including animal teeth and skins, as well as arts & crafts and lectures for all ages.  In other AMNH news, this evening, Lisa Randall ’80 brings together the history of the Earth and the larger cosmos in the “Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs” lecture.

Bring a student into your scientific research lab!  Stuyvesant’s Lab Coordinator Jason Econome is seeking alumni to mentor his students for their upcoming Intel Research projects.  Please respond to

Eric Holder ’69 was in the Washington Post on Sunday.  And if you’re around next Monday, December 14th, join Billy Eichner ’96 for an Evening with Billy on the Street at the Paley Center.  On a more serious note, Harris Bulow ’96 is actively seeking anyone with newborn brain trauma /respiratory distress experience as it directly relates to his newborn daughter Charlotte.

Over the holidays, if you’re from the class of ’57, I encourage you to reach out to Ron Pinkus ’57.  He has recently lost his wife to pancreatic cancer, and while he has the support of his family – he is a Class Marshal who has been a gravitational force in making sure his classmates stay together and stay informed.  If you would like to send along kind words, please send them to and we will be happy to forward them along.

Wishing you a festive holiday season.

