Honor Roll of Annual Donors

Thank You for Your Steadfast Support!

In 2021, the Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association began producing an Annual Report that highlights the impact of your giving along with an Honor Roll of our most generous donors during the preceding fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). The final version will be published in our printed Alumni Spectator magazine, which is distributed at the end of each calendar year.

Due to the limited space we have available, we are only able to list donors who have given $1,000 or more in that fiscal year. However, please know that we deeply appreciate every gift, no matter the size, that we receive from our Stuyvesant community of alumni, parents, and friends. Our work would not be possible without your support. Thank you!

Despite our best efforts, errors sometimes do occur. If your name was inadvertently misspelled or omitted or if you see any other inaccuracies in our Honor Roll, please let us know by emailing us at alumni@shsaa.org. If you are looking for records of your donation history, you can find it under the “My Giving History” tab of your MyStuy profile.


The Most Current Honor Roll


If you would like to donate by mail or via other means, please click here for more information on other ways to give.