39th Annual Peglegs Football Awards Banquet
Please Join Us!

Announcing the 39th Annual Peglegs Football Awards Banquet!
We invite you to join us in celebrating the 2024 Stuyvesant Peglegs Football Team. This year’s banquet will be held at Dallas BBQ located at 261 8th Avenue (corner of 8th Av/23rd St) from 1-3:30PM.
If you are interested in attending please indicate how many are attending, select your meal option, and payment. Ticket includes lunch + 2024 Peglegs Journal.
If you cannot attend, but would like to make a designated donation toward Stuyvesant Football, you can do so by clicking the donation button at the bottom of this page.
You will also have the opportunity to purchase space in the journal to provide a supportive message, advertisement, etc. Prices are listed and once you make the purchase, someone from the Team will reach out to the e-mail contact you provide to coordinate details.
All funds go directly to where they are needed first. GO PEGLEGS!
Join us for the 39th Annual Peglegs Awards!
What if I cannot attend the Football Awards Banquet?
If you cannot attend the 39th Annual Peglegs Football Awards Banquet, you can still show your support by making a donation today! GO PEGLEGS!!