
Class of 1990: 30-Year Reunion

NOTE: In light of the current situation regarding the novel coronavirus, the 30th Reunion for the Class of 1990 has been postponed to a future date to be determined.

All tickets previously purchased will be applied to the new reunion date. If you have purchased a ticket and wish to receive a refund, please contact


Please join everyone for an evening of fun, food, music, and seeing old friends!

Saturday Afternoon

From 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 13, the Alumni Association will hold tours and student demonstrations for all class years at the new Stuyvesant building at 345 Chambers St., New York, NY 10282.

Visiting "Old Stuyvesant"

The Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association will do our best to make the 15th Street location available for visits on the Sunday of Reunion Weekend. Please stay tuned for further details.

Stay in Touch!

Please join our Class of 1990 Facebook group to stay in touch with other alumni from our class!

Class of 1990 30-Year Reunion

We look forward to seeing you at the reunion!

Gloria Radeff and Justin Foa