Abigail Scheck Class of 1972 Memorial Endowed Scholarship

About This Scholarship

The Abigail Scheck Memorial Scholarship was established in 2021 by her Stuyvesant classmates, friends and family to honor the memory of a trailblazer who loved Stuyvesant and was loved and cherished by all who knew her, especially because of her kind and gentle spirit. Abby entered Stuyvesant in September 1969 as a sophomore, breaking the gender barrier as one of the first women to enter what had previously been an all-male school, and she graduated in 1972. Over the years, Abby touched the lives of many of her Stuyvesant classmates, friends and family, and Abby helped organize many of the past Stuyvesant reunions for the Class of 1972 before tragically passing away in 2020 after a long battle with cancer.

To carry forward Abby’s community-minded example and her memory, this scholarship was established to provide assistance to a high-potential student with a similar passion for community.

Each year, a single student will be selected to receive a one-time award of $1,000 to defray first year expenses for education.

The preferred candidate will exhibit academic excellence, will participate in extracurricular activities (clubs, sports, music, etc.), and will demonstrate an interest in and history of community service. This scholarship is need blind, meaning that the financial assets of the applicant are not considered during the review.


Applicant Criteria

  • Candidate must be a graduating senior from Stuyvesant High School.
  • Candidate must have been accepted to an accredited four-year college or university.
  • Candidate must have demonstrated academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, and passionate commitment for future growth throughout their Stuyvesant experience.
  • Candidate must complete the Abigail Scheck Memorial Scholarship Essay Questions and submit a letter of recommendation from at least ONE of the following:
    a) a teacher
    b) a school administrator or guidance counselor
    c) a supervisor (from a community-related internship, job, or volunteer position)
  • Candidate will be required to interview with a representative(s) of the Abigail Scheck Class of 1972 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund committee.

Please submit your application form via the website, and your addenda (see checklist), including Abigail Scheck Memorial Scholarship Essay Questions to scholarships@shsaa.org.